Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 8, 2014: Finals & Home

I am excited for finals and the closing in on the finish line of my first college semester. Are there things that I wish I could have done better and in a more timely fashion? Most definitely. I have learned that the work effort comes with your personal motivation to get it done and correctly as well. My second semester will be better because I am aware of the time management needed to be put in place in order for my academic success to come out on top. I have always wanted to be the best organizer I can be and it starts with me. Going home is very exciting as well. I aim to take care of some scholarships and honing in on my craft for my career. It will decide whether or not I want to finish my time here in Kalamazoo or take my talents to New York City (one of the five fashion capitals). This class overall was a blast and I learned a lot about myself too. Merry Christmas & have a Happy New Year :)

December 5, 2014 : "Temporary Love" poem by Me

Months passed,
As I arise in the day,
Praying and waiting for it to come my way.
There's no other season quite like it you see,
Not Fall, Not Summer, Nor' Spring.
I can't stand it when it gives me frost bites,
Yet enlightens me with warm and fuzzy feelings.
The way Winter holds me in her arms of icy white snow,
and so gently kisses my breath for the world to see and all to know.
To be in its presence,
My attire must be up to part,
Avoiding a visit that's very unpleasant,
Winter tells me "Hat,Shoes,Coat,Scarf!".
I didn't listen..
The coldness surrounding me made me sick,
Winter tells me "Hot chocolate and a blistering fire will do the trick"

O'field, your harvest has been reaped and spent,
Replaced with fluffy pressured water heaven sent.
O' tree, your leaves are no longer and you've frozen in a dream,
Replaced with icicles and colorful christmas lights twirling around in theme.
But no worries,
For it is only temporary.
I thank you for the sacrifice to bring others joy and merry.
No more snowballs,sleds,candy canes,toys,
jolly songs for girls and boys,
The time has come that for you to leave me now...
It was lovely while it lasted..Don't cry..
Winter tells me "I'll try"
We both know that you'll thaw beneath Spring in a twinkling of an eye.
Just promise me one thing,
That you will find me once again,
And hold me in your hands.

Months passed,
As I arise in the day,
Praying and waiting for it to come my way.

December 1, 2014 (In-class)

Unfortunately, I didn't make it to class this past Friday because of an family emergency back home. A close cousin of mine was killed by a serial killer in Gary, Indiana and her funeral service was recent. Speaking of it doesn't bring her back and it really saddens me to think about. Knowing that the man who is responsible for this is in custody makes the closure better, but we know it'll never be the same. I just hope all who know will continue to keep me and my family in their prayers as we go through this tough time..

November 27: Thanksgiving Special

It was beyond great to be able to go home for Thanksgiving Break. I got to spend time with all my loved ones and enjoy so much delicious food my family made. As tradition in my household, everyone talks and tells stories of the good past times while the food is cooking in the kitchen. The kids run around and the older kids play cards. We all pray and bless the food before it is consumed. Honestly speaking, I ate ate at least 3 plates this time around on Thanksgiving lol. The gym was my bestfriend the next two days after. Later on in the day, me and some of my family go downtown Chicago and participate in the holiday festivities around Millennium Park. although I am not the best ice skater, I tried my best! The soup kitchen I use to volunteer for was no longer open so my family and I went to another local shelter to help serve food to others. There is always something to be thankful for. This day reminds me of that all the time and for years to come. To always be humble because one person's "floor" is another person's "ceiling". HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

November 24, 2014: (In class)

Friday's class period offered me some clarification on what is due and expected to be received via email. Also, the opportunity for extra credit was offered according to the English class blog posting. Although I haven't received feedback yet on my final draft, I am able to go over my work with a partner/friend outside of school and use tips and references referred to me for the help I am seeking. For my final drafted argument paper, I supported my reasoning with facts from studies and articles. Also, the way of making sure that possible reasons that could disregard my supportive statements were talked about and given a perspective to not listen to it either. Overall, it meant a lot and I look forward to hearing feedback on it.

November 20, 2014: Unity...There goes the neighborhood

Unity has strength when different people come together.Even if it involves coming together in a family and getting along because staying separated only made them weaker. There is an old story where there were 5 brothers and each of them wanted to have share of the property from their father who was very sick and was expected to die any moment. The children were not very clever and the father wanted to share his property among these children equally and wanted them to be united.

In a word, unity means oneness, or togetherness. When there is oneness there is likely to be more strength in opinion, more strength in action, and more strength in character.In order to prove this he asked each of his children to bring a stick and asked them to break it. Everybody broke it at a time. Then he took 5 sticks together and asked them to break it. Nobody could break it as there were 5 sticks. Then the father told his children that they are also like the sticks. If they are single, anybody can break them, if they are united like the 5 sticks, nobody can break them.

Let me first discuss the smallest unit of our society. A family indicates oneness, they live together, they work together, they enjoy together, they share their woes together, and this is the basis strength of the unit. Parents encourage their children to mix freely with their peers of other races and
The moral of the story is how togetherness is like a peaceful harmony.

November 17, 2014 (In-class)

During this week of class, we talked a lot about different play writes that would help lead us to developing our own for an homework assignment. Firstly, coming up with an interesting topic that isn't cliche or has been written about a lot was the first step. My ultimate topic in which I chose to write about included the subject of the modeling industry and photo-shopping. Not only does it relate to me, but it is a topic in which a lot of people have problems with yet no one actually talks about it enough for anyone in real authority to do something about it. Also, we had the fun activity of writing to each other about ways we could convince someone through letter that we can't help them with something they just need. This exercise made me think a lot and was definitely a productive challenge. The plays we developed should be very interesting.

November 13, 2014: The Day I Supposedly became An American

The day I became an American..............................................the day ancestors were here before Columbus or China. Although, it wasn't even called Native American I'm sure...but you know. We'll just go by what it is now. I became an American ever since I entered the school system! Actually, I really have no idea when I became an American. American is such a widely varied term. In the the U.S you can be American no matter what you really are.My point is, when did any of us become Americans? American is just a name that some Europeans made up for people just for separation. American is just a mix of many...I can be called African-American, even though I'm a bunch of things.Ethnicity wouldn't have mattered if they didn't make it matter.The name African American is just a reminder that I'm African first(in actuality I'm not even African) and American second. Allow me to explain. Africa was named after a European man by the name of Leo Africanus.If anything shouldn't I be called a moore?? However, American is more of a where you were born or where you are term, not a what you are. In final, I never REALLY became American, I've only adopted the "American" lifestyle in America.=]

November 10, 2014 (In-class)

The biggest thing that we are working on in class currently deals with a lot of revising what it is we have been working on. For example the analysis of our papers are to be gone over if we are not satisfied with our final grade for it. I got feedback for my narrative on choosing a place that is most significant to me and found out what I was initially missing. It included the basic exposure to a specific time/place that meant a lot to me. Describing it was not the hard part, but making sure I mentioned the place where it happened was. I had got a little too caught up in the moment and series of events following my story that it slipped my mind to mention the track field in which it was held. Overall, the advice I got for revision was looked at and very helpful for future references. :)

November 6 :Picture Perfect

Yess! I finally received my final shots from a recent photo-shoot I did right here in Kalamazoo. I must admit, it was really freezing that day and I was up and had to shoot at like ten o'clock in the morning on a Saturday. Honestly, it was all quite worth it because I love what I do. Whenever I am modeling in front of a camera, the lens takes control and I become an actress in a way for whatever the photographer is looking for a that time in moment. For example, this photo-shoot in particular was geared towards street wear and a more rough persona. So I tried my best to portray that as well. Be sure to check out the amazing photography page of Alfield on Facebook. It was my first and definiteely not my last time working with him. Had a blast. :)

November 3, 2014 (In class)

Last Friday in class, we talked about how to make sure that your paper had a great theme connected to it. The major theme for this week was choosing the proper title and subject for a conspiracy theory in which we personally believe in. My options were tied into the political ballot of opposing candidates when it comes to office and what it isn't what it all seems to be. "People who believe very strongly in conspiracy theories distrust people especially those in power and do not believe in chance." I took this statement to heart mainly because it supports my logic of how everything happens for a reason and it isn't always just up for luck in the air. Things are put in place for bias results all the time. In my honest opinion, money is the root and main source for so much of the "luck" that we see happen in office. It can really help or hurt a campaign. Historical events of this happening is a main clue of mine.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

October 31, 2014 Halloween Special

Happy Halloween!! Aside from the fact that I had no clue as to what I wanted to be for the occasion, I only had like a day left! So a was freaking out at the costume store and trying on any and everything. I had this vision of being an Indian of some sort for Halloween and it wasn't until I went to the mall that it hit me. "Why not be Pochahontas for Halloween?" It was one of the most amazing epiphanies that I had gotten all week. So, I've attached a picture to this blog for you all to enjoy. Out of all the stress that came with it, I think it was all worth it in the end. :)

October 28, 2014 (In-class)

Previously in class, we talked about the different sources and things needed for doing research as a part of our paper that we choose. I chose to do further research on the movie that I chose titled "Mahogany". It was a bit difficult finding the different sources of where my research came from. In addition to that, I gave examples to how I would approach the possibility of doing a topic that involves something non-cliche and similar to the blog I posted recently. It dealt with how much you have to be careful when writing about topics that are borderline generic. Coming up with new ideas or just subjects in which spark your personal interest that can be wrote about in depth. My elaboration on this was nice as well.

October 25, 2014 : Birthday & Homecoming Week

This week has been a really exciting week. I had the opportunity to attend my first college homecoming football game. It was incredible! To top off the game , they had a firework show towards the end. Not to mention that it was also my birthday :) Dinner with newly made friends and a chocolate cupcake to top off the night is what made it so perfect. Although it was in fact my first birthday away from home, I really enjoyed myself. Furthermore, my auntie sent me a quote via text message which I must share. "A birthday is just another day where you go to work and people give you love. Age is just a state of mind, and you are as old as you think you are. You have to count your blessings and be happy." It meant a lot because every birthday welcome that I get is always about the true meaning of it. The value is in the thought of someone remembering to tell you about your celebration. It is such a special day for you after all.

October 20, 2014 (In-class) Reflection

After writing my analysis on the story "A rose for Emily", I realized that it was missing something. I had included a correct thesis statement for the paper, but I also included other thesis' within it as well. In other words, I had trouble making sure that the thesis I had chose was rarely talked about and mentioned above the surface with no depth. Great advice that my instructor gave me was to make sure I ask myself questions like "Am I staying on topic?' and "Is my topic too narrow or too broad"? Once I fixed this problem with my paper, I was able to recognize how a proper analysis should look and be perceived.

October 17, 2014 :"Scared of Stupidity" Story

Honestly, the path the author had chosen to take with this memoir is simple and yet accomplished. Barry established a realistic plot and gave me a just enough information on the setting as well as a overall theme and conflict. In result of this, I could tell right off the back who was and should be the main focus regarding characters, the narrator Barry and Fassil (Barry’s friend). Around the time that the climax presented itself, realistic dialogue was conveyed from the author himself after realizing someone(or something ..well animal in their case) is running towards them, “I ain’t gonna be the last to leave, I’m getting outta here’, he says to himself. In addition, he did an awesome job at keeping my attention. Throughout most of the memoir, he told everything that happened and ma I mention how suspense
ful he had me from just reading it and the words he chose to use when it came to portraying just how "scared in stupidity" he was. Brilliant! The author's feelings and thought's towards the incident/memory were more than clear enough. He admits to being scared, but doesn't move rapidly because he literally couldn't. "I tried to get up, but I couldn’t get off the bench. Some how I was stuck.." Personally, since I'm such a fan of horror/suspense/mystery, I couldn't have loved this memoir any more, it's perfect yet succinct and to the point. When I read, "It turned out it was a deer"... nearly had me laughing on the floor in total shock and relief.

October 13, 2014 (In-Class)

The discussion during class was revolved around the topic of the three short stories that we read and coming up with the perfect thesis statements for it. I learned how to choose a thesis that has a lot do with choosing something in regards to being narrow and not too broad. For example, if your topic is about "nature in life", then a bad thesis statement would be like "There are so many surrounding natures of the world we live in." Mainly because it involves talking about something that is too broad. Something more straight forward that you could talk about would consist of a thesis like "Snakes in America are a big part of nature".

Thursday, October 9, 2014


I recently had the honor of being photographed by an upcoming Chicago photographer named Dennis. We met through some mutual fans and its been a blast ever since! Every now and then I will be posting some shots from our photo shoots. I really hope you enjoy them. This shoot in particular was done in Chicago near Montrose Harbor. It was extremely cold, but luckily its not noticeable through Dennis' flawless photography. The concept behind the themed scene was nature vs "the girl in a white dress". It represented how much of what surrounded her was a part of her all the time. Hours of editing went into some of his photos. For example, the illusion of me hiding behind the mirror yet you see my reflection as if I am calling onto myself. Depending on how you perceive the picture, will determine your ultimate take on it. Feel free to tell me what you think about it! We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone" -Orson Welles
Don't forget to follow the amazing photographer on Facebook! "DDesigns Multimedia"

Monday, October 6, 2014

10/3 Carrie and Song Lyrics

Discussion today was really progressive. I learned key factors and ways on how to write a successful analysis paper. When it comes to writing an analysis paper, it is important to remember to avoid summarizing the piece of writing that you are doing. Another thing I learned and kind of had an idea about was being able to focus on the paper's thesis at hand. It is really easy to get distracted on what it is you are trying to talk about. Breaking up into groups was a great idea and helped me understand steps to take in the development of my themed paper. Furthermore, the analysis of the song "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea and "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke really caught my eye. It never came to my attention as much as it did after actually reading the words instead of paying attention to the musical instruments so much.

Friday, September 26, 2014

African Fashion Week Chicago

I had the amazing opportunity to audition (month of July) and be chosen to be a model in African Fashion Week Chicago this weekend. I am currently traveling back to Chicago as I write this updated post to you all. The fashion show is a two-day convention centered event. One of Chicago's most innovative designers Olivia has constructed a clothing collection worth the wait. She's usually inspired by vibrant earth-toned fabrics. The picture above is when I attended African Fashion Week's Launch Party. Olivia showcased a sneak peek of her collection with this one of a kind dress. It was an honor to wear. I honestly cannot wait to participate in the runway show this weekend. Be sure to check out their official website. Website: IG: @AFWChicago

9/26 Class Discussion: Identity

Who are you? What makes you say that? Any influences as to how you are the way you are today? These are the kinds of questions that were answered in our class discussion along with other ways of how culture is categorized. I learned the meaning of being influenced by those around you during your childhood and how you could either gravitate towards or away from. I really enjoyed the interactive activity we had as far as sharing each others paper and it helped a lot in getting to know people in the classroom. Trying to categorize information about someone based on their writing and the given words is difficult when the writing is vague or excludes personality. Everything seemed to mix well together. From the writing 'Cultural Baggage' and 'Pet Milk', we are more focused to use the narrator's experiences and/or surroundings to understand the overall concept of what's going on. I love that because its almost like a mystery that needs figuring out with the use of the correct context clues. In addition to that, the movie we watched titled 'Carrie', was like the cap on top of the cultural bottle. Using repetition and certain emphasis on images made the director's point of view noticeable yet dubious in its attempt. Not establishing a consistent reason to recognize the innocent and guilty throughout the movie made it different and introduced a grey area of choice. The narrator in 'Cultural Baggage' didn't believe in sticking to one kind of culture or tradition. Instead, she realized how much her experiences growing up were from borrowing thins from several ethnic backgrounds. "Think for yourself" is a simple and powerful phrase.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cultural Baggage & Pet Milk

Stuart Dybek's telling of the story and the narration throughout the word illustration reminded me of the poem titled "The Day Lady Died". Frank approached the poem in a way that let me know what was going on and how its relation was to the famous Billie Holiday. In similar comparison, Pet Milk went through a daily routine that described the way a day began and ended. Changing the setting for either piece is like changing the entire story. The swirls in the coffee that was described as being "ivory" could represent the cultivation of what happens when two different things mix. Barbara's Cultural Baggage brought to my attention how there is never always a black and white to a situation. The narrator grew up while adapting different cultures. Overall, I liked the reading of cultural baggage because it in a way described my view point of how it is not necessary to be put in a traditional box. "Think for yourself", "Always ask why", "Try new things", and "None" are all phrases and words I heard growing up in my Chicago household.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Strength & Skill

I recently finished a book called "The Road". One of the most prominent themes in "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy as well as in his interview with Oprah Winfrey is this ideal of strength and skills.Like most novels about survival, The Road exalts the resourcefulness of its protagonist. Resourcefulness becomes an enshrined skill, partly because it ensures the survival of loved ones. Resourcefulness also allows the protagonist to connect with a disappearing world. Fixing a stove or shopping cart is not only necessary for his survival – it's also necessary to preserve a few man-made artifacts that might otherwise quickly vanish. That said, resourcefulness can sometimes morph into violence or cunning. (In the post-apocalyptic setting of the novel, extreme violence is always just around the corner.)In one passage, The Man fixes their shopping cart while "[t]he boy sat watching everything" (22.1). McCarthy is a natural teacher, his thoughts on the craft of fiction simple and down-to-earth. Of his decision to eschew quotation marks and semicolons, he says, "You shouldn't block the page up with weird little marks. If you write properly, you shouldn't have to punctuate." At the same time, "You really have to be aware that there are no quotation marks to guide people, and write in such a way that it won't be confusing as to who is speaking." On a more inspirational level, he says that anyone with enough determination can manage to avoid day jobs and compromises just as he has. "You're just here once, life is brief, and to have to spend every day of it doing what somebody else wants you to do is not the way to live it."

Both McCarthy and Oprah clearly enjoy their conversation, showing a kind of opposites-attract chemistry as two people who have excelled at the highest level of very different fields. She catches him blushing as he admits that The Road is a love letter to his son, and chides him for his failure to understand women even after three marriages. As she leads him through topics from life to literature to personal finance, he never seems inclined to dumb down or dress up his answers, but gives carefully considered responses that show real respect for the questioner.

At the same time, the contrast can be striking between Oprah's can-do, The Secret-inflected positivity and McCarthy's drier, more humble philosophy. Early in the interview, she asks him about his passion for writing, the importance of being passionate about your work being a key theme in her message for young people. He answers with a shrug and characteristic shy laugh.
"I don't know. Passion ... it sounds like a pretty fancy word. I like what I do, and I suppose I ... some writers have said in print that they hated writing, it was a chore and a burden, and I certainly don't feel that way about it".

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sinners In The Hands Of God

Wow! That single word was my first expression after reading this passage about "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". This passage is very intimidating and powerful, so much so it makes you think about what you've done as a child of God. This passage seems to be as if from a very devout religious group of Christians that are strict. So strict in fact, you can't even live life freely without being conscious of EVERY SINGLE MOVE you make throughout the day. Besides the fact that this was written about or for a devout Christian group, maybe Purtans, this passage elaborated a lot on detail. By giving the passage detail on each subject gave it life. Reading this passage gave me perspective on what it would be like to live under this type of fear. Overall the poem was informative and interesting. Being in a type of situation where some one is shoving down my throat what I should know and what I should do makes it already extremely hard to even believe or follow that person. If someone were to sermon me any message that goes like, "JOIN US OR DIE" or "IF YOU MESS UP, NO SECONDS CHANCES," I would not even think to believe a single word this person is saying. I would just tell them, "Just stop it all." then leave(although I must admit I'd probably be scared just a little) Now, if they power that if I told them that I don't believe to do "something" to me so I will confess that I "believe" so then I really wouldn't say anything. Tell them I believe when I don't, that's what I would do. In addition, the imagery helped me understand a lot of where the author was going with it too.I was brought to Fear a God that understands I was born in sin and realizes I'm probably going to make mistakes in this world,but seeking forgiveness through repentance. On the other hand, could it be that their reason(the Puritans) for being so straight-forward about being perfect all the time is to put people in a mind state that allows no room for mistakes even though (they know) there is?

Fast Forward

This week during our class discussion, I learned the technique of being able to write a story or poem describing a particular kind of person without actually saying it. Through style of wording and choice of action verbs, it helps the reader distinguish either the speaker or its audience properly. "The Day Lady Died" by Frank O'Hara was a great example of this style of writing in my opinion. Third stanza of the poem, "..I stick with Verlaine after practically going to sleep with quandariness..". I found it very interesting that there was even a reference to the amazing Billie Holiday. Recently just watched the biography movie of her very interesting life story. The narrator's daily routine was life changing for him because it would no longer be the same. In relation to the world we live in today, everything we do reflects the future lifestyle of ourselves and those around us.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Introduction: Getting to Know Me

My name is Amber Murdock and I'm a freshman studying Business: Management and Real Estate Marketing at Western Michigan University. Born and raised in Chicago, my experiences have taught me to appreciate life to the fullest. I love making, styling, and hearing about clothes that are fashion forward. I have a younger sister and 5 generations of my family still living. Truly a blessing. Most people would describe me as a very optimistic, relaxed, and humorous person. Seriously, I love at so many things. God is my number one support system. I am excited for what is to come and all my future endeavors. In this world, I don't see myself growing up doing one thing in life. Maybe it's because I have yet to commit to something fully. I am a multitasker and "3-dimensional" kind of person. On top of doing everything, I'm young and ambitious leader who desires a career path of becoming a successful entrepreneur in real estate, fashion, and filling the shoes of my parents owned and well established businesses. Exploring the fields of entrepreneurship is highly important to me. Mainly because of the interesting skills that are developed overtime. James Matthew Barrie once said, "Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else." With that being said, the future for me always consist of more than one possibility and end.